Flame spray is a process that uses an oxy-fuel flame to melt wires and in some cases powders or ceramic rods. The molten material is then atomised with compressed air to create a spray stream that applies the coating onto the surface being sprayed.
Anti-corrosion coatings are typically applied with oxy-propane systems. Engineering coatings are typically applied with oxy-acetylene systems. Where propane is not available, oxy-acetylene systems can apply anti-corrosion coatings. Flame spray systems are commonly manually operated but it is possible to semi-automate or fully-automate the process if required.
Metallisation have a full range of wire, powder and ceramic rod flame spray systems in hand-held or automated versions.
Oxygen-propane fuelled flamespray system
The lightweight, well-balanced, robust pistol offers the quickest spray rates on the market, saving you both time and money. Systems can be supplied as continuous spray or, more commonly, with a unique stop/start function that allows the operator to stop spraying but keep the flame lit without damage to the pistol.

Made for Engineering Coatings
The Metallisation MK61-FS is an oxygen-acetylene fuelled flamespray system, primarily for spraying engineering coatings of steels, bronzes, copper and importantly, molybdenum. The lightweight, robust pistol offers the possibility to reclaim damaged parts for small to medium sized applications. Molybdenum can also be sprayed with the MK61-FS as a soft bond coat through to a very hard, wear resistant coating. The MK61-FS system can be used for anti-corrosion coatings where propane is not readily available. The ‘FS’ stands for Free-Standing as the new control board can be free standing or wall mounted to suit all site or in-house applications.

Powder Flamespray
Weighing only 1.85kg (4Lb), the Metallisation MK74 powder spray pistol can be hand held or machine mounted to spray a wide range of powders. Its robust construction will ensure long periods of trouble-free operation.
The MK74 is easy to ignite and has excellent flame stability, thanks to its nozzle system. A special air cap narrows the spray pattern to densify the coating which is particularly beneficial when spraying ceramics where very high deposit efficiencies can be achieved.
The MK74 can spray ceramic coatings as well as self fluxing alloys and all other metallic powders.

Design for automatic

Design for automatic
Fully automatic flamespray
The NEW Metallisation MK66E-PC is a fully automatic flamespray system with mass flow control, which offers the ability to produce the highest quality, repeatable coatings. The system provides a fully automatic sequence of ignition, main flame and wire feed. The wire feed is capable to be stopped during spraying without melting the wire back into the nozzle, even when left for extended periods. Fault sensors check for loss of flame, wire stoppages or wire out and can interlock to external automation to stop production and request assistance. These features ensure continued operation, improved coating quality and minimised downtime.